Can't believe I forgot I did CIP on my birthday! Well it was what I call a meaning full CIP, compared to my previous CIP. We played BINGO for the first half and we my old folk group had 2 rows of 4 beads, only one more to go, but it took pretty long for us to be able to shout BINGO! When the old lady saw that we had won, [there were multiple winners, actually everyone won something:)] she was so happy! You could see the expression on her face and it looked as if her smile couldn't fit. HAHA. After that we ate sandwiches, fruits and drank then we played pass the parcel and my group, the singing group sang the songs and when we stopped, the person holding the parcel would have to do a forfeit after unwrapping a layer of the parcel. The first lady sang 'shi shang zhi you ma ma hao' then the second one G helped the old lady do the forfeit so she sang 'ni wen wo ai ni you duo shen'. Third person the parcel ended up on was YX. She had to sing a song and I was kinda shocked by the courage she had. ha ha. For the last person I couldn't really remember what happened but just traces of him standing there quite embarassed...oops! HEH.


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