
Watched too much TV last night so I woke up late in the end for gym... IRRITATING cos I have flag day at 1230 so I have to miss the end of gym. At least I did some giants that were still really bad=.= After the last one I got a bloody blister. I'm still scared and I just can't conquer any of my fears.. Maybe I'm too greedy and have too many wishes and one wish is followed by the next. After bars we went to vault and and I became a green-eyed monster but my frens were still great. 1st vault: smashed right on my face and hurt my ankle. I could feel myself moving far and turning reeeaaalllyy sllooowwly then bam. 2nd one was bad as well. I couldn't live with myself not being able to stand so I did one more before I left for flag day. AND I STOOD. But barely.

Because I wanted to do one more, I reached the place late and started 16 min late. What is the purpose of forcing students to do this kinda thing, especially when we weren't even told who we were helping? I feel so ashamed as I wasn't doing something like basking or selling cute, nice stuff. The only thing we "sold" were stickers which I feel is a waste of trees and glue and plastic. If it is to show that someone has already donated then I think it doesn't work at all as I don't see that little piece of paper. By the look of some of the donors' faces I can see that they are feeling sympathic for us girls standing in the sun for such a long time or just don't want to let other people see that they are 'mean'. I don't feel the organiser's objectives of wanting to let people help the needy is very obvious. They don't do it voluntarily. Those who do are those who want to get rid of the excess coins or coins already in their hands. They don't even really feel for the needy. 4h of working at fast food chains are more worth it and we can choose those places more convenient.


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