
I did not write the post at 3.03am! It's goin bonkers..
I'm so hungry but dinner will only come in at least 1hr's time. At least I know it's gonna taste great...CANADIAN PIZZA! No one wanted to order so it's actually our fault and the person we always relied on went out so when she came back it was already 8:35pm plus..
We're so slack about our projects: we haven't handed in budget proposal for sports science project, NOTHING for Chinese SIA. Whoops actually it's nothing 'cause we're gonna do somethin about them on Mon when we start school LATE:o
I just got my first b'dae present today, even though my birthday is still 9days away:b They are SO CUTE. Or maybe I just like soft things:) Blue is a GREAT colour and I love DOGGIES:p Thanks JJ for the towels!
B div comps seem very tough even though JL says that we are great or at least better than the rest. In previous comps I can feel myself improving but this year I think I'm deteriorating. It's embarrassing you know...I better try to do my best and be more confident. YeS and lack of confidence makes me nervous and being nervous is exhausting! Aiya thinking about the past won't change anything but I gotta say if we were less nervous last year we could've been nat champs..It WAS close.
yay!!!PIZZA just came! Good service cos it came in less time than expected. A lot less:)


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