
Hee hee I celebrated my birthday 2days early this year with my family, cousins, aunts, uncle and nephews. Bought the creamy chocolate cake from BREAD where we've never bought anything from before but it tasted quite nice. The nephews typically took two servings but the second one was thinner 'cause they're not allowed to eat that much chocolate:p They're really crazy 'cause everytime they come they fight and scream and want my phone. They love taking photos as well so when it was photo taking session with the birthday cake[=.=] they were the first to squeeze onto my chair.
Later I went to Marine Parade and shopped around a bit then savoured ice-cream from scoopz. [lol, I was thinking of it yesterday while writing a note on facebook] But a little disappointed there wasn't rum and raisin.
I finally started on my discovery channel magazine but the next one came already. Ha ha when can I ever keep up? It's weird 'cause the one I'm reading now came so late but the next one came so early...Hmm...I better start reading my chinese books! O.o I saw 2 really touching books at borders but I think I'll just borrow from the library so I can use the due date to force myself to read!


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