
Shucks the whole place smells like iron...Haha
yesterday's first period: PE. oops I was really mean during the matches... But I think it's worse to not play at your best when the opponent is not as strong. It's kinda like looking down on others since you know she isn't as good so you purposefully play badly. Anw it's fun to play with pros though it's tiring. I haven't played with the pro yet and it's gonna be the next match but we're supposed to play at least 4 matches by Fri but I don't wanna exert myself too much 'cause of match on Wed and Thur.
Talkin' about match, yesterday during training JL made us block loads of balls due to the next match. At first I was able to block quite a few but the rest of the day they just got worse. I shall just see how it goes on Wed and I'll jump as high as I can!!
Finally back to the present:) During curriculum time we had CME presentation. It was so fun and I'm so glad the class laughed when our group was presenting. The bad thing about presenting last is that you see so many other groups then you get nervous but the good thing is that others will listen since they don't have to practise their scripts. After school gym training was quite good. The floor part obviously better than the beam but I just can't remember the whole floor routine! There's always a part when I forget. Oh and coach added a new move since the previous move is easily not counted. It's a lot harder but I think I'll get the hang of it:) I wanted to leave training at 6 to complete my theory work then I can go for theory class earlier and get home on time so I can tuck in by 10.30.


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