
Today was really memorable. Kinda suspected it since Sara said there was team lunch but I was still really happy:) [So funny I heard from my friend that people in her school sing birthday song every single day just to catch attention] It was so windy that day that Tingshan had problem lighting up the candles but I managed to blow them without the wind doing it for me. The cake was suteki desu! [wonderful] I just realised that I can taste delicious digestive crusts in chocolate cakes as well and not only in some cheese cakes=.= The only bad thing was that Steph was sick on my b'dae! The coolest present I got was from Hazel. [er..michelle were u in it as well?] WHAT? MY FAVOURITE SOYA BEAN MILK OF COURSE! haha and you finally finished the christmas prezzie:) Actually it started with smses in the morning then I met CN at the side gate and received a hug with a poke of her red file [haha:p] After the lunch I hugged Hazel. Poor thing she couldn't eat cake but at least she got some chocolates which were supposed to be on top of the cake. Sec 2s gave me chocs and Sec 1s gave me a bear that was quite naughty 'cause you have to press just below the belly and the bear would squeak. Just before the team lunch, I got pink flowers from 2 of my closest friends and Chris even gave me a collage and wrote a note below. The last 'celebration' was at bishan north where I ate another cake which is really gonna add pounds to my weight...wished the force wasn't with me here=.= ha ha:) Reached home about 11? This year of my life is the best that I remember! [there may have been great ones when I was younger but they're all part of my subconsciousness so I can't compare.]
Today is yesterday:) Batchmates came during lunch to give me a cow in a basket in a paper bag. Ha ha it's really cute! To me, I can't see the relation between the present and me but at the same time I think there is? E.g., Sara you said I like cows. Actually I don't have a specific or strong love towards cows but I like the present. LOVE IT:)))<3 class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_14">Jap CA1 where I knew I could have done a lot better if I could have studied. 9marks lost to the brainless part... Don't know what would happen to my compo 'cause I wasn't there when the sensei went through the structure of the essay but I think I'm okay... I kind of feel I'm absorbing better in this class though I'm not scoring as well. Actually this class is more fun than my previous class. They've combined the 2 classes per week into 1 class per week thus I bet I'll nod off into dreamland if I didn't get the transfer!
Lol that's all to yesterday. HAHA these colours remind me of the Benedict's test for reducing sugar we did during BIO LAB PERIOD.


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