Ignorance is bliss
I used to work at a specialist clinic as a clinic assistant. Boss is great. Colleagues are great. It's a really awesome, almost stress free environment to work at. I have nothing personal against them, but I always wonder, because of my knowledge in TCM, diet and natural health, how do doctors actually overcome their conscience when they prescribe drugs such as steroids. You may be thinking that I don't make any sense at all. You may be thinking, being a doctor is one of the best professions in the world! They save people and earn good bucks at the same time! There has been so much evidence of how diet can be used to cure diseases ranging from autoimmune (eg. eczema, psoriasis, lupus etc) to lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and high cholesterol, and yet when patients ask the doctor if there is anything that they should avoid, and the doctor says nope. It's like the very thing that's causing harm to the body is already known, and yet because there are steroids (and o...