As if I were Autistic
Have u ever felt despair? When u feel as if u are being locked within a room away from all forms of human existence, yet u are still in contact with humans. Just that, no one understands you, or wants to understand you. Maybe that is why I crave for discussions with open minded people. But I realised this morning, after a good night's sleep that was forced into due to overflowing tears and a headache that extended to my eyes (or did it happen the other way round), that teaching in an institution isn't about having open minded discussions. It's about passing down information, as complete as possible. I am not particularly good with that. Students that I have met, in general, prefer these ways of teaching. They not necessarily like it, but it saves them the trouble and time of reading the information on their own. It is not inspiring, but it is the most straightforward way of knowing what to study -for the exams. I do see the benefits of such a teaching style, but it...