How Much I Spent On My Baby's 1st Birthday Party

Recording the amounts I spent for my baby's 1st birthday here for future reference and also for those of you who would like to have some form of comparison! Disclaimer: I know it's more for myself than my baby and I know some parents would never "waste" the money on something like this because it's not the most practical thing to do. BUT the reason I wanted to do it was because: I didn't have a proper wedding (lol one of my cousins-in-law was shocked I already had a baby since he didn't even know/forgot I had gotten married); My relatives who had brought me up are old (70s and 80s) and I want to spend more time with them, especially because I had been away for 2 years when I was studying; I want my baby to interact with my relatives too I wanted an excuse to try some new vegan food! Birthday Deco Personalized canvas (Around A2 size): $50 I designed a milestone board on Canva and ordered from Optimal Print . Optimal Print has templates for collages so I us...