Thank God for Today

It's literally the end of sem 7 and the start of 2017. Haven't blogged in foreverrrrr omg. I still think it's still worth it to write when I've got the time and inspiration, even if it takes super long cuz my keyboard is faulty and even if no one bothers to read this. But I like to reminisce, so yes I'm gonna try to record as much as possible, even if sporadically, so that I can look back upon my younger self when I'm old and wrinkled. So the inspiration was actually for an instagram post, but I decided it would be wayyy too long so here I am. (Plus I need to update this blog anyway haha.) I am thankful for today. And even more thankful for the day of FYP presentation (11 Aug 2016 if I rmb correctly), because it was the day that gave me a scholarship and a job that would be good for my development in TCM, and a first class honours in my biomed degree. I still rmb how I was worrying about whether I put in enough effort, whether the same thing as PW would happ...