5 hours
Lalala zzz was so pre-occupied while dancing just now. With what? BIO LAHH>.< feel so insecure even tho I studied. Probably should have studied harder? I guess it's my stubborn belief in not "memorising" that's why I always don't get the points. Know e concepts but don't know the terms. And I don't get what some questions want. How dumb can't even understand questions. K buck up for e next papers. Bio is like compre to me now. Answer with loads but cuz I'm not specific enough with terms I don't get the marks. Tho I know this is my prob, it's easier said than done to correct it. Like no matter how many questions I attempt I don't do it right, no matter how many answer schemes I read I still can't apply. Dumb me. So sleepy after 3 hours of econs writing, 2 hours of bio and 1++hours of ballet. Plus I just finished eating so I'm in e perfect condition to fall asleep. Things to do: 1. Make teachers day gifts 2. Personal S...