
Showing posts from June, 2011


Sigh..haven't been so affected so much before..I still can study (like I still can motivate myself) but I've no mood at all and I don't even want to make myself study. I just keep thinking of all the other things in life.. Why do our hormones work this way? But I guess I'm fortunate to be able to feel this way cuz it makes life much worth living. It's just quite scary still..scary to lose things..I'm scared that everything's not real. Why are there so many restrictions?:( TTFN~~


My YFC grp!!<333 d'Arts is made of  We're supporting  Actually LAA gives the needy children who really want to learn the arts the chance to do so! But every year, they need $800k to sustain the school. Last year, there was a deficit of $200k.. ANY ARTISTS OUT THERE?!?!?! What would your world be like without having the chance to learn DANCE, MUSIC, DRAWING, CULINARY ARTS, ETC? These children REALLY WANT THE CHANCE! It's so easy to help them. A little donation or just the spread of the word. Parents out there, how about sending your kids to learn the arts at LAA! You would be helping to sponsor a part of the fees for another child like yours! All for a good cause! Visit   or our  for more updates and ways to help LAA! TTFN!<3